Real Food Chocolate Dipped Mandarin Oranges | Recipes to Nourish (2024)

Published: · Modified: by Emily Criswell · I may receive commissions from purchases made through links in this article · 42 Comments

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Real Food Chocolate Dipped Mandarin Oranges are delicious, sweet, little juicy bites. A fun, super easy to make, healthy treat! Perfect for the holiday parties!

Real Food Chocolate Dipped Mandarin Oranges | Recipes to Nourish (1)

Mandarin oranges dipped in chocolate!

This is one of the most delicious, refreshing treats I have ever had.Seriously good!

Each little bite is full of sweet mandarin juice and it's amazing paired with the flavor of chocolate + sea salt. You are going to want to make tons of these real food chocolate dipped mandarin oranges because once you have one, it's really hard to stop.

Real Food Chocolate Dipped Mandarin Oranges | Recipes to Nourish (2)

The good news is that these fall on the healthier side of dessert plus you get a nice little dose of vitamin C. Not bad right?

My Tiny Love and I had so much fun making these. She helped me peel all of the mandarins and had the best time. She didn't do any of the chocolate dipping, honestly she wasn't interested ... peeling the oranges was more fun to her. But she did love stirring the chocolate. She loves helping me in the kitchen.

Real Food Chocolate Dipped Mandarin Oranges | Recipes to Nourish (3)

These chocolate mandarin oranges are so easy to make!

Truly, these real food chocolate dipped mandarin oranges areone of the easiest treats to make. You can whip up a big batch of these in no time.

Real Food Chocolate Dipped Mandarin Oranges | Recipes to Nourish (4)

If you're in need of a last minute treat for the holidays, make these!

They're so good, you won't regret it.Happy Holidays!

Real Food Chocolate Dipped Mandarin Oranges | Recipes to Nourish (5)

Real Food Chocolate Dipped Mandarin Oranges

Real Food Chocolate Dipped Mandarin Oranges | Recipes to Nourish (6)

Yield: 12 servings, 1 mandarin orange per person

Prep Time: 25 minutes

Cook Time: 5 minutes

Inactive Time: 15 minutes

Total Time: 45 minutes

Real Food Chocolate Dipped Mandarin Oranges are delicious, sweet, little juicy bites. A fun, super easy to make, healthy treat! Perfect for the holiday parties!


For the Mandarins:

  • 12 organic mandarin oranges
  • Optional Celtic sea salt or sea salt flakes for sprinkling over melted chocolate (<-- this is my favorite sea salt)

For a Chocolate Coating - WITH chocolate chips:

For a Chocolate Coating - WITHOUT chocolate chips:


  1. Line a baking sheet with unbleached parchment paper. Place it in the freezer to chill while you prepare everything.
  2. Wash and peel all of the mandarin oranges. Separate mandarins into segments. Set aside.

Chocolate Coating WITH Chocolate Chips:

  1. In a small saucepan over medium-low heat, add chocolate chips, healthy fat of choice and sea salt and allow to melt - stirring often. Remove from heat as soon as chocolate chips are melted.

Chocolate Coating WITHOUT Chocolate Chips:

  1. In a small saucepan over medium-low heat, add cacao butter and allow to melt - about 2 minutes.
  2. Remove from heat and add cacao powder, honey and sea salt, whisking until fully incorporated and forms a syrup.

How To:

  1. Dip each mandarin orange segment halfway into the melted chocolate and place on the lined baking sheet. If you're using sea salt, lightly sprinkle a few grains of salt over the melted chocolate.
  2. Immediately return the chocolate dipped mandarins on the baking sheet to the freezer. Allow to chill for at least 15 minutes before serving.


YOU WILL NEED:Unbleached Parchment Paper, Baking Sheet {that can be placed in the freezer},Small Saucepan

  • Store extra chocolate dipped mandarin oranges in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 2 days. You can also store them in the freezer - my family actually prefers them this way. It's a fun little bite when they're frozen.
Nutrition Information:

Yield: 12Serving Size: 1
Amount Per Serving:Calories: 253Total Fat: 13gSaturated Fat: 7gTrans Fat: 0gUnsaturated Fat: 4gCholesterol: 6mgSodium: 133mgCarbohydrates: 37gFiber: 5gSugar: 30gProtein: 3g

This nutritional information was auto-generated based on serving size, number of servings, and typical information for the ingredients listed. To obtain the most accurate representation of the nutritional information in a given recipe, please calculate the nutritional information with the actual ingredients and amounts used, using your preferred nutrition calculator. Under no circ*mstances shall the this website and the author be responsible for any loss or damage resulting for your reliance on the given nutritional information. You are solely responsible for ensuring that any nutritional information provided is accurate, complete, and useful.

Are you onPinterest? I pinlots of yummy real food recipes + more there. I have a board just forGluten Free Treatsand one forWinter Favorites + Christmastoo. Come follow along.


Real Food Chocolate Dipped Mandarin Oranges | Recipes to Nourish (10)

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Real Food Chocolate Dipped Mandarin Oranges | Recipes to Nourish (11)

Nourishing Honey Sweetened Hot Chocolate

Real Food Chocolate Dipped Mandarin Oranges | Recipes to Nourish (12)

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Real Food Chocolate Dipped Mandarin Oranges | Recipes to Nourish (15)

Grass-fed Collagen,Desiccated Liver, Coconut Oil, Liver Detox Support, Ancient Minerals + more!

« Gluten Free Honey Gingerbread Cookies

Healthy Chocolate Orange Smoothie »

Real Food Chocolate Dipped Mandarin Oranges | Recipes to Nourish (16)

About Emily Criswell

Emily Criswell is a chocolate- and sweet treat-loving, holistic-minded mom of 4. She's a 4-time cookbook author -The Art of Great Cooking withYour Instant Pot {ranked in Amazon's top 10 new releases - gluten free recipes}, Amazing Mexican Favorites with Your Instant Pot{ranked as a #1 New Release BEST SELLER!}, Low-Carb Cooking with Your Instant Pot, The Big Book of Instant Pot Recipes, food photographer, homeschooler and the founder of Recipes to Nourish, a gluten-free blog focusing on real food and natural living. She works to empower her readers by showing them that there is a healthier way to eat and live. Her passion is to make healthy, natural living as uncomplicated and enjoyable as possible.Find Emily’s latest recipes and natural living tips atRecipes to Nourish. Connect with her on Facebook, Instagram,Pinterest, Twitterand YouTube plus grab her free eBookHolistic Tips to Keep Your Family Healthy. Read more >>About Emily.

Reader Interactions


    • Emily Sunwell-Vidaurri

      Thanks Megan! They really are fun 🙂 Tiny Love had so much fun peeling all of the mandarins for me.


  1. Jill York@JillsHomeRemedies

    I have loved chocolate and orange together for a long time now. I've never thought of enjoying these flavors this way. Thanks for the great recipe!


    • Emily Sunwell-Vidaurri

      I hope you get to make some! They're so delicious 🙂


  2. Anna@GreenTalk

    Oh my! These look delicious.


    • Emily Sunwell-Vidaurri

      Thank you Anna! 🙂


  3. Renee Kohley

    These are so pretty! I will be making these with the girls for sure!


    • Emily Sunwell-Vidaurri

      I hope you all enjoy them. They're such a fun + simple treat 🙂


  4. Lorelei

    Oh, the kids will love this! Will try mixing a little coconut oil in the chocolate to make a "crunchy" coating. Love your blog!


    • Emily Sunwell-Vidaurri

      Thank you Lorelei! I'm sure coconut oil would work great 🙂


  5. linda spiker

    I love the simplicity of fruit dipped in chocolate!


    • Emily Sunwell-Vidaurri

      Yes!!! So easy 🙂


  6. Jean

    These are so stinkin’ adorable! Also love how easy they are. So fun for both kids and adults!


    • Emily Sunwell-Vidaurri

      Thank you Jean! 🙂 They're so simple.


    • Emily Sunwell-Vidaurri

      So fun for holiday parties! 🙂


  7. Carrie

    Such an easy and fun treat! And a great way to increase vitamin C during the winter months. Win-win!!!


    • Emily Sunwell-Vidaurri

      SO fun 🙂 Thanks!


  8. Katja`

    YUM! I saw these and just had to make them right away. So good!


    • Emily Sunwell-Vidaurri

      I'm so happy to hear that! 🙂


  9. Megan Stevens

    These are so festive for a Christmas party. I love the idea of taking these to a cookie party, instead of the expected. I know they'd get an enthusiastic reception, so pretty/refreshing yet decadent all at once!


    • Emily Sunwell-Vidaurri

      That's a really fun idea! I bet people would be surprised and excited 🙂


  10. Tina

    Mmmm this sounds delish! What a yum idea!


    • Emily Sunwell-Vidaurri

      Thanks Tina! 🙂


  11. Monique

    These are so pretty and simple. Perfect size for little fingers and great for sharing. They'd make a nice addition to healthy petit fours!


    • Emily Sunwell-Vidaurri

      Little ones love them! 🙂


  12. Jo Romero

    Everyone's going crazy here for Terry's Chocolate Oranges coming up to Christmas, and, reading your post, it struck me how much better it is to just eat the real food! Love the idea of this!


    • Emily Sunwell-Vidaurri

      I hope you get to try some 🙂


  13. Hope

    These look so cute and I love how easy they are to make! My little boy would love these! Chocolate and orange is always such a great combination.


    • Emily Sunwell-Vidaurri

      Kids love them! 🙂


  14. Holley ThePrimalDesire

    These are adorable, and I love chocolate and orange! Yum!


    • Emily Sunwell-Vidaurri

      Thank you! 🙂


  15. Becky Winkler

    Love this healthier alternative! I'd love to bring this to a holiday party!


    • Emily Sunwell-Vidaurri

      So fun for a holiday party! 🙂


  16. Carrie Forrest

    These look amazing!! I need to try this soon!


    • Emily Sunwell-Vidaurri

      Thank you Carrie! 🙂


  17. cristina

    What a great snack or treat! My son would love these!


    • Emily Sunwell-Vidaurri

      Thanks! They're so much fun for kiddos 🙂


  18. ChihYu

    Best flavor combo ever ! Chocolate and orange. SO YUMMY !


    • Emily Sunwell-Vidaurri

      Yes!!! Totally agree 🙂


  19. A Girl Worth Saving

    Dang! That looks incredible and so easy to make 🙂 My son would go crazy over this.


    • Emily Sunwell-Vidaurri

      🙂 they're so fun! I hope she gets to enjoy some.


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Real Food Chocolate Dipped Mandarin Oranges | Recipes to Nourish (2024)
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