Healthy & Creamy Chocolate Chia Seed Pudding! (2024)

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As versatile as it is delicious, Chocolate Chia Seed Pudding makes for an energizing breakfast, a satisfying midday snack, or a guilt-free dessert. Its rich, smooth texture and chocolatey goodness offer a delightful experience that seamlessly fits into any part of your daily routine. Who says indulging your sweet tooth can't be healthy? Chocolate Chia Seed Pudding is here to debunk all your dessert myths!

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Healthy & Creamy Chocolate Chia Seed Pudding! (1)
Jump to:
  • How to make Chocolate Chia Seed Pudding Video Recipe
  • Why You'll Love This Recipe
  • Ingredients to make Chocolate Chia Seed Pudding
  • Step-by-step process to make Chia Chocolate Pudding
  • Tips for Achieving the Ideal Consistency
  • Personalizing Your Pudding
  • Modifications for Dietary Restrictions
  • Chocolate Chia Seed Pudding

How to make Chocolate Chia Seed Pudding Video Recipe

Why You'll Love This Recipe

Simple ingredients & complex flavors.

This chocolate chia seed pudding may seem like a humble mixture at first glance, but it's a culinary symphony of simple ingredients that come together to create a complex flavor profile. Using minimal, wholesome components, this recipe allows each flavor to shine, from the intense richness of cocoa to the subtle sweetness of your chosen sweetener.

Healthy & Creamy Chocolate Chia Seed Pudding! (2)

Ingredients to make Chocolate Chia Seed Pudding

To create a pudding that not only tastes great but also has that irresistible creamy texture, you need the right balance of ingredients. Chia seeds are the star here; when they're soaked, they expand and create a gel-like consistency that mimics the silky texture of traditional pudding. When combined with your choice of milk, which adds its own creaminess, and a sweetener to bind the flavors together, you set the stage for a dessert that's smooth, luscious, and wholesome.

  • Chia seeds
  • Milk (Dairy / Non Dairy), I am using coconut milk to get the rich creamy texture.
  • Cocoa Powder, use a good quality cocoa powder like Hershey's Dark Chocolate Cocoa.
  • Sweetener, I am using maple syrup but you can use sugar, agave, honey or monk fruit. You will simply need to adjust the sweetness to your taste with a sweetener of your choice.
  • Vanilla Essence
  • Raspberries & Mint for garnish

Step-by-step process to make Chia Chocolate Pudding

Achieving a heavenly smooth texture is a cornerstone of making your chocolate chia seed pudding a hit.

  • Start by adding the chia seeds to a mixing bowl.
  • Next add the cocoa powder, followed by the sweetener of your choice, milk & vanilla essence.
  • Whisk together continuously until the ingredients are well integrated.
  • Once the mixture is well combined, let it rest for a 10 minutes, then stir again, allow it to rest for another 10 mins and stir one last time before your cover it with a food wrap.
  • Refrigerate. I typically make this the night before and refrigerate it overnight. However if you are short on time atleast refrigerate for 4 hours.
Healthy & Creamy Chocolate Chia Seed Pudding! (3)
Healthy & Creamy Chocolate Chia Seed Pudding! (4)

Tips for Achieving the Ideal Consistency

The perfect consistency for your chocolate chia pudding can be elusive, but fear not—precision and patience will get you there. Remember the golden ratio: about 2 tablespoons of chia seeds for every 1/2 cup of your chosen non-dairy milk. This balance is crucial for that quintessential pudding consistency. If you prefer it thicker, you can always add more seeds in small increments.

After combining all ingredients, let the mixture sit for a good 5 to 10 minutes, then give it another thorough stir. This step ensures that the seeds are evenly distributed and not sinking to the bottom or clumping. cover and let it rest in the refrigerator. This is where time is your ally—a few hours of chilling and the seeds will have absorbed the liquid, creating that dreamy creamy consistency you're craving.

For an even more refined texture, some adventurers in the kitchen use a blender to lightly pulse the pudding after the initial rest period. This can break down some of the seeds and create a pudding with a more traditional feel—just be careful not to over-process, or you'll lose the delightful little pops of texture that chia seeds are known for.

Healthy & Creamy Chocolate Chia Seed Pudding! (5)

Personalizing Your Pudding

Creative Topping Ideas for Added Delight

Reaching into your pantry, you'll find a treasure trove of toppings that can transform your chocolate chia seed pudding from a solo act to a full-blown ensemble. Here are some creative topping ideas to sprinkle some excitement into your pudding experience:


  • Scatter a handful of granola for a nutty crunch.
  • Sprinkle on M&Ms, whether you prefer the classic or the peanut variety, for a playful bite.
  • Swirl in some chocolate or white chocolate chips for a double chocolate experience.
  • Add a dose of childhood nostalgia with a smattering of your favorite cereal.


  • Top with fresh strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, or banana slices for a burst of natural sweetness and color.
  • For a tropical twist, scatter some shredded coconut over your pudding.


  • A dollop of whipped cream adds a cloud-like creaminess.
  • Brighten up your dish with a sprinkle of colorful sprinkles.
  • If you're in for a little gooeyness, adding some marshmallows will do the trick.

The beauty of these toppings is not just in the added flavors and textures they provide, but in the personal touch they allow. Mix, match, and find your favorite combinations to truly make your chocolate chia seed pudding your own culinary masterpiece.

Healthy & Creamy Chocolate Chia Seed Pudding! (6)

Modifications for Dietary Restrictions

Chocolate chia seed pudding is inherently friendly to various dietary restrictions, but with a few simple tweaks, it can cater to nearly any dietary need:

For a vegan version, ensure that your chocolate or cocoa powder is certified vegan and use a plant-based milk alternative such as almond, soy, or coconut milk.

Gluten-free eaters can enjoy this recipe worry-free,

On a low-carb diet? You're in luck. Chia seeds are low in digestible carbs, and by choosing a sugar alternative like stevia or erythritol for sweetness, you're keeping the carbs to a minimum.

For those who need to avoid dairy, this recipe is already dairy-free—just be mindful of the type of milk you choose for mixing with the chia seeds.

Allergic to nuts, simply opt for a nut-free milk alternative such as oat milk, and ensure any toppings or mix-ins are safe for you to consume.

Healthy & Creamy Chocolate Chia Seed Pudding! (7)

How to Serve Your Chocolate Pudding Masterpiece

Presentation is nearly as important as taste when it comes to serving up your chocolate chia pudding masterpiece. Ideally, spoon your thickened pudding into elegant glasses or clear dessert bowls to showcase its luxurious texture. Garnish with a mint leaf for an added touch of color and sophistication.

For a layered effect, alternate pudding with layers of fresh fruit or granola. This not only adds visual appeal but also varying textures with each spoonful. A light dusting of cocoa powder or drizzle of chocolate syrup can elevate the visual allure, signaling to your guests that they're in for a chocolatey treat.

If you're serving this as a breakfast option, consider filling a parfait glass with alternate layers of pudding and Greek yogurt, topping it with a colourful array of fresh berries. And for those special occasions, a splash of liqueur such as Grand Marnier can add a festive zing.

Remember, the eyes eat first, so take a moment to make your chocolate chia seed pudding as visually appealing as it is delicious.

Can I Make Chocolate Chia Pudding in Advance?

Yes, I like to make it the night before, but you can even make it a couple days ahead of time and it will stay fresh and creamy. I highly recommend skipping the garnish if you are making this ahead of time.

How long does chia pudding last in the refrigerator?

When stored properly in an airtight container in the refrigerator, chia seed pudding typically lasts for about 5-7 days. If you've added perishable ingredients or toppings, the shelf life may be shorter.

Healthy & Creamy Chocolate Chia Seed Pudding! (8)

So create this delectable Chocolate Chia Pudding recipe and relish its creamy, chocolatey goodness at any time of day or for a special occassion. Whip up a batch today and treat yourself to a wholesome indulgence!

More recipes to try

  • Indian Rice Pudding / Kheer
  • Mexican Rice Pudding / Cremoso Arroz c=con Leche
  • Fresas con Crema / Strawberries & Cream
  • Gajar Halva
  • Tapioca Pudding
Healthy & Creamy Chocolate Chia Seed Pudding! (9)

Chocolate Chia Seed Pudding

Yield: 4 servings 1/2 cups

Prep Time: 5 minutes

Additional Time: 4 minutes

Total Time: 4 minutes

As versatile as it is delicious, Chocolate Chia Seed Pudding makes for an energizing breakfast, a satisfying midday snack, or a guilt-free dessert. Its rich, smooth texture and chocolatey goodness offer a delightful experience that seamlessly fits into any part of your daily routine. Who says indulging your sweet tooth can't be healthy? Chocolate Chia Seed Pudding is here to debunk all your dessert myths!


  • 1/2 cup Chia seeds
  • 1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder (dark chocolate preferred)
  • 5 tablespoon maple syrup
  • 1.5 cups coconut milk
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract


Achieving a heavenly smooth texture is a cornerstone of making your chocolate chia seed pudding a hit.

  • Start by adding the chia seeds to a mixing bowl.
  • Next add the cocoa powder, followed by the sweetener of your choice, milk & vanilla essence.
  • Whisk together continuously until the ingredients are well integrated.
  • Once the mixture is well combined, let it rest for a 10 minutes, then stir again, allow it to rest for another 10 mins and stir one last time before your cover it with a food wrap.
  • Refrigerate. I typically make this the night before and refrigerate it overnight. However if you are short on time atleast refrigerate for 4 hours.

Healthy & Creamy Chocolate Chia Seed Pudding! (10)

Healthy & Creamy Chocolate Chia Seed Pudding! (11)


    Remember the golden ratio: about 2 tablespoons of chia seeds for every 1/2 cup of your chosen non-dairy milk

    Let the mixture sit for a good 5 to 10 minutes, then give it another thorough stir.

    For an even more refined texture, some adventurers in the kitchen use a blender to lightly pulse the pudding after the initial rest period.

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Healthy & Creamy Chocolate Chia Seed Pudding! (2024)
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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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