Easy Slow Cooker Pulled Pork | BBQ Easy Recipe Depot (2024)

BBQ Pulled Pork Slow Cooker Recipe is a simple way to enjoy the deliciousness of pulled pork without all the fuss and muss of a smoker and in half the time!

The sweet tang of this Texas BBQ pulled pork recipe in the comfort of your own home is a real treat. Simply combine the ingredients and a quick rub then set it and forget it. The aroma of tasty BBQ will fill your home in no time.

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Who doesn’t love BBQ pulled pork? Vegetarians probably but more for us then. This BBQ pulled pork crockpot recipe takes the guesswork out of preparing your favorite BBQ dish. Just moments of prep and a few hours in the crockpot and you will have a dish your whole family will love.

Served on a warm roll with a spoonful of coleslaw and a few slices of bread and butter pickles make sure you bring your appetite and plenty of napkins. It’s dinner time. This tastes amazing with a grilled peach salad on the side. Yum!

Easy Slow Cooker Pulled Pork | BBQ Easy Recipe Depot (2)

How To Make Slow Cooker BBQ Pulled Pork

Combining a few simple ingredients in your slow cooker, adding your pork roast and a quick rub is all it takes to make this savory favorite. Cook on HIGH for 5 to 6 hours or LOW for 8 to 10 hours. The only secret to preparing the perfect pulled pork is to cook it low and slow making your crockpot the perfect kitchen appliance for this dish.

Easy Slow Cooker Pulled Pork | BBQ Easy Recipe Depot (3)

What You Need:

Here’s what you’ll need from the store. The exact amounts are in the printable recipe card at the bottom of this post.

Easy Slow Cooker Pulled Pork | BBQ Easy Recipe Depot (4)

Kitchen Tools Needed:

Ingredients Needed:

Easy Slow Cooker Pulled Pork | BBQ Easy Recipe Depot (5)

Tips for Making BBQ Pulled Pork Slow Cooker Recipe

Easy Slow Cooker Pulled Pork | BBQ Easy Recipe Depot (6)

What Cut of Pork Should I Use to Make Texas BBQ Pulled Pork Recipe?

This recipe calls for a 4-pound pork roast. The simple answer to what cut of pork should I use for this recipe is any pork roast cut will work for this versatile recipe. I would avoid a pork tenderloin. These cuts are generally very lean and don’t have enough fat to render into succulent pulled pork.

The ideal pork roast for pulled pork is the pork shoulder. The pork shoulder is typically cut into two parts, the Boston butt, and the picnic roast. Pork shoulder has the optimum fat content that yields to create a tender, melty meat, but it’s essential you cook it slowly to allow the fat to render and the protein to break down properly.

Unlike brisket, pulled pork can be made from any fatty pork roast. Again, this recipe calls for a 4- pound pork roast, however, if feeding more people (or just want more pulled pork) simply get a bigger roast. If you select a roast bigger than four pounds, no worries, the other ingredients remain the same. If you get overwhelmed at the store, simply ask at the butcher counter. Those guys love to talk meat.

Easy Slow Cooker Pulled Pork | BBQ Easy Recipe Depot (7)

Leftover BBQ Pulled Pork Recipe

First off, this pulled pork is so delicious you’ll be lucky if you have any leftovers. Granted if you selected a larger pork roast it greatly increases the odds of leftovers. Reheating leftover pulled pork is very easy. Either zap it in the microwave stirring frequently or heat over low heat in a saucepan or skillet on the stovetop (my preferred method).

What to do with those leftovers? The obvious answer provided you still have rolls, more pulled pork sandwiches. Doy. However, if you are feeling adventurous and want to mix things up, try topping a plate of nachos with leftover pulled pork. Or a generous scoop on top of a bowl of creamy mac and cheese. Oh man, now I’m hungry. Where’s my crockpot?

If you have an excess of leftover pulled pork no worries. BBQ pulled pork freezes beautifully. Simply place your leftover pulled pork in a Ziploc freezer bag and squeeze out any excess air before blue and yellow make green. Label the bag with the contents and date and freeze up to six months. Defrost in the refrigerator and prepare yourself for BBQ deliciousness.

What BBQ Sauce Should I Use for Slow Cooker BBQ Pork?

This is ultimately a matter of personal preference. When I make this slow cooker BBQ pulled pork I like to use an 18oz bottle of Sweet Baby Ray’s Original BBQ sauce. An 18oz bottle is the ideal size for this recipe. If you’d like your pulled pork saucier, feel free to add more sauce or you can do what I do and add a little more sauce right from the bottle to my sandwich. Nom nom nom.

Ultimately the BBQ sauce choice is up to you. If you like it sweeter, use Sweet Baby Ray’s Honey BBQ Sauce or Sweet Baby Ray’s Hickory and Brown Sugar BBQ Sauce. The latter will also add a hint of smokiness that you’d get had you prepared your pork in a smoker.

Like a bit more of a kick? Use Sweet Baby Ray’s Sweet and Spicy BBQ Sauce. Feeling crazy? Try Sweet Baby Ray’s Hawaiian BBQ Sauce and top your sandwiches with a ring of pineapple. This recipe is incredibly versatile. Play around and have fun!

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4.29 from 7 votes

Easy Slow Cooker Texas BBQ Pulled Pork

Print Recipe

This slow cooker BBQ pulled pork comes out tender and juicy every single time – perfect for a stress-free dinner or for serving at a party!

Prep Time:5 minutes mins

Cook Time:5 hours hrs

Total Time:5 hours hrs 5 minutes mins




  • Slow Cooker


  • 4 pounds pork roast
  • 1 bottle BBQ Sauce
  • 1/2 cup apple cider vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
  • 4 tablespoons dark brown sugar
  • 1 tablespoon chili powder


  • Place pork roast into the slow cooker and top with the vinegar, Worcestershire sauce, and barbecue sauce.

  • Add chili powder and brown sugar to the meat in the slow cooker.

  • Set slow cooker to "high", cover and let cook for 5-6 hours.

  • Use two forks or meat claws and shred the pork and mix well with all the sauce.

  • Serve on warm buns for a delicious and hearty Texas pulled pork sandwich that you'll absolutely love!


Serving: 1serving | Calories: 427kcal | Carbohydrates: 30g | Protein: 51g | Fat: 10g | Saturated Fat: 3g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 1g | Monounsaturated Fat: 4g | Cholesterol: 143mg | Sodium: 732mg | Potassium: 1035mg | Fiber: 1g | Sugar: 25g | Vitamin A: 425IU | Vitamin C: 1mg | Calcium: 42mg | Iron: 2mg

Course: Main Course

Cuisine: American

Keyword: BBQ pulled pork, pulled pork meal, slow cook pork

Servings: 8 people

Calories: 427kcal

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Easy Slow Cooker Pulled Pork | BBQ Easy Recipe Depot (2024)
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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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