Chakras 101: Caring For Your Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura) | Ohana (2024)

Everything is energy. All around us, there is an invisible sea of life-force energy connecting all facets of the universe – it is the energy present within every particle, atom, and molecule that binds our reality together and keeps us alive. As human beings, we are major conduits of this energy. In fact, running from the base of our spines to the crown of our heads, we possess several concentrated points of energy known as chakras. Our chakras are what connect our dense physical state and our lighter energetic bodies together: through them, we are able to experience just how deeply interconnected we are with everything around us.

The most literal translation of the word chakra is “wheel” which describes the shape the ancient mystics saw – in this way, you can think of chakras as spinning wheels of free-flowing energy. While modern society puts so much emphasis on caring for our physical bodies, in reality, it is the energetic body that is our greatest tool for cultivating self-awareness. When our chakras are healthy, vital life force energy spins through our chakra wheels unimpeded. Our bodies, minds, and spirits are in constant communication with one another which can reveal incredibly powerful information to us, so long as we are open and aware.

When our chakras are open, energy flows freely through and we experience harmony between ourselves and our environment. When our chakras aren’t functioning properly, communication between them becomes blocked. While chakras aren’t physical or physiological in nature, these blockages can translate to the blockages we experience in our outer world, even physical maladies. They are direct insights into how well we harmonize with our environment, both internally and externally.

While the exact size and location of the chakras vary from philosophy to philosophy, chakras are simply the cycles of energy that exist in the auric field of all humans. While ancient eastern mystics knew there to be hundreds, possibly even thousands, of chakras located throughout the energy body, our contemporary view of chakras focuses on just seven: the root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third-eye, and crown chakras.

The chakras are also associated with different colors, representing various elements of their energy fields. An individual’s chakra colors usually indicate their current emotional state – as the emotions in our bodies shift, so do the colors of our chakra wheels. The chakra colors are not set in stone and much like the fluidity of human emotions, they also are in constant flux. Usually the brighter and more full of light an individual chakra is, the healthier that chakra is functioning.

As our chakras are the energy centers of our bodies, working positively with chakra energy has been linked to increased lifespan, mental, physical, and emotional health, and overall personal well-being. When our chakras are in balance, we can experience each moment fully and completely. We are physically healthy, emotionally resilient, and our consciousness is able to expand. If consciousness and energy are one in the same, then our chakras are the embodiment of certain aspects of our consciousness–the more we nurture them, the more we are able to grow into our highest selves.

The Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura): What It Is and Where It’s Located

The solar plexus chakra–Manipura–is where we derive our sense of self and personal autonomy. It is our source of strength, discipline, and individuality. It governs our ability to confidently and courageously engage with the world around us. It is our distinct source of personal power that allows us to live life freely and authentically, unburdened by feelings of doubt and inadequacy.

The solar plexus chakra is our source of vigor–it is what gets us going, what powers us to take action towards our goals. Representing the element of fire, the solar plexus chakra impacts our ability to put our creations out into the world and make progress on them. Therefore, it has a huge impact on our ability to move confidently towards our dreams and the lives we wish to create.

Commonly associated with a bright yellow color, the solar plexus is located directly in the naval center–the same place as our gut intuition. It is the third chakra from the base of the spine, right above the sacral chakra and right below the heart chakra. The part of the body most strongly associated with the solar plexus chakra are the pancreas, the endocrine gland responsible for releasing insulin and glucagon to control and stabilize our blood sugar levels.

A well-functioning solar plexus chakra shines brightly and radiates its light into all areas of life, promoting feelings of self-assurance and alignment. A person with a balanced solar plexus will have a great amount of autonomy and high levels of self-esteem. They will feel strong and stable in body and mind, able to move energy and harness it toward anything they desire or life they wish to create. A strong solar plexus chakra allows us to co-create with the universe and live the life that is best for both us and the highest good of all.

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How To Unblock Your Solar Plexus

But what happens when our solar plexus chakra is unbalanced, blocked, or stagnant?

If we aren’t active or intentional about caring for our solar plexus chakra, it is likely to experience blockages. A poorly functioning solar plexus will invoke feelings of powerlessness and low self-worth. It can cause an overall lack of stamina and motivation, leaving us feeling directionless and hopeless about the future. A weak solar plexus can also generate experiences of emotional overwhelm, rage, and anger. It can leave a person feeling like they have lost their sense of confidence or purpose.

As the solar plexus is linked to the pancreatic glands, a dysfunctional solar plexus can lead to serious conditions like diabetes and high blood pressure. More common physiological symptoms of a solar plexus out of alignment are fatigue, digestive system disorders, and stomach pain.

So, how do we care for and increase the health of the solar plexus chakra?

  1. Crystals! You can use the power of crystal energy to restore your solar plexus chakra–try using the power of citrine to bring the power of the sun to lift your energy and spirits. Shop citrine crystals in our boutique next time you’re in the studio!
  2. You can also remove blockages in this chakra through meditation. To connect with your solar plexus in this way, find a quiet space for meditation and envision a glowing, vibrant yellow as you place your hands on your solar plexus. Try this quick meditation specifically created to support your solar plexus chakra!
  3. Remember that strong, energized feeling you get after your favorite barre class? Vigorous exercises such as strength training can be incredibly helpful in revitalizing the solar plexus. Moving energy through the body via physical movement is a powerful remedy for a blocked solar plexus. Fire up your solar plexus (aka your core!) in your favorite Ohana class.
  4. Another way to support this chakra is to work on building confidence and self-esteem–simply treating ourselves with kindness and respect goes a long way in clearing and supporting the solar plexus. Affirmations work really well in bolstering self-worth through the third chakra: try repeating “I am confident, I am powerful” to yourself as many times a day as you need.

Yoga Poses For Your Solar Plexus

The physical form of yoga, or asana, is another powerful tool for opening and balancing your solar plexus chakra, aka, your core. The health of the solar plexus chakra is strongly linked to the strength and stability of the core muscles. As your core is used throughout asana for balance, stability, and maintaining a neutral spine and pelvis, your solar plexus is impacted by nearly all yoga postures.

Think about any standing posture you encounter in a yoga sequence – from mountain pose to airplane to everything in between, core strength and engagement is crucial for holding yourself upright and keeping your spine straight and safely in alignment. The same goes for other aspects of life – the more we do things that empower our strength and confidence, the more in sync we feel with the world around us.

Below are examples of yoga postures that support the solar plexus – always remember to warm up your body appropriately before jumping directly into a posture! To explore the solar plexus further as well as the other six chakras through asana, try this chakra flow with Devon to thoughtfully and intentionally move your body through the seven chakras from root to crown.

Plank pose

By firing up your core muscles, the solar plexus chakra is also activated. This pose helps build the strength necessary to support your body throughout your practice. Building core strength isn’t just useful for improving your yoga practice, but it will also provide the strength you can access off the mat by cultivating your inner fire and igniting your personal power.

Camel pose

As a heart-opening posture, camel pose demands vulnerability. Being able to show vulnerability only occurs when we feel secure enough to express ourselves and be who we really are. This pose helps support the solar plexus by encouraging us to show up as authentically as possible, exhibiting our unique expression and individuality.

Warrior I, II & III

Warrior postures are physical representations of both inner and outer strength. The Warrior is determined, fierce, and unwavering. As standing postures, all variations of Virabhadrasana require a strong core and focused intention. These postures are incredible ways to work on building your personal power and confidence.

Chakras 101: Caring For Your Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura) | Ohana (2024)


What is the solar plexus chakra Manipura? ›

The navel or solar plexus chakra is located at the navel. “Manipura” means “lustrous gem of the city,” and is associated with the natural element of fire. Its associated color is yellow, hence its links to fire and, more broadly, the sun. It is directly linked to your sense of self.

How do I activate my Manipura Chakra? ›

Engage in exercises that focus on strengthening your core, such as yoga poses like Boat Pose (Navasana) or Pilates exercises like the Plank. These activities not only activate the abdominal muscles but also stimulate the Manipura chakra, helping you feel more confident and centered.

How do you take care of the solar plexus chakra? ›

How to Balance the Solar Plexus Chakra
  1. Spend time around heat.
  2. Whisper positive affirmations to yourself.
  3. Wear the color yellow.
  4. Eat yellow foods.
  5. Boost your confidence with aromatherapy.
  6. Do heat-building yoga poses.
  7. Follow a chakra meditation.
  8. Do small acts of kindness.

How do I unblock my solar plexus chakra? ›

Seeing or touching yellow things re-energizes the solar plexus chakra. It's represented by the color yellow and you'll feel it opening as soon as you interact with some yellow or gold items. Fill your home with yellow decor and art, wear yellow clothes and accessories, or just bask in some bright sunlight.

What blocks the Manipura Chakra? ›

The manipura chakra is often blocked by negative emotions and lack of self-confidence, which can lead to digestive disorders and low self-esteem.

What happens when Manipura chakra is blocked? ›

A blocked or unbalanced Manipura Chakra may often cause indigestion, pancreatitis, irritable bowel syndrome, heartburn, adrenal imbalances, diabetes, arthritis, intestinal tumors, colon diseases, stomach ulcers, eating disorders, anorexia/bulimia, low blood pressure and sensitive or bleeding gums.

How do you clean Manipura Chakra? ›

You can use these Manipura Chakra yoga poses to reignite your inner fire, clear harmful blockages, and boost your emotional and physical well-being.
  1. Classical Forward Bend (Paschimottanasana) ...
  2. Bow Pose (Dhanurasana) ...
  3. Half Spinal Twist (Ardha Matsyendrasana) ...
  4. Upward Plank Pose (Purvottanasana) ...
  5. Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana)
Feb 6, 2024

What happens when Manipura Chakra opens? ›

There are several signs that may indicate that your solar plexus chakra is awakening. These include a feeling of warmth or tingling in the area of the solar plexus, increased sensitivity to energy and emotions, a sense of personal power and confidence, and a desire for personal growth and self-improvement.

Which God is associated with Manipura Chakra? ›

Manipura Chakra

Manipura, or the solar plexus/navel chakra, is symbolized by a downward pointing triangle with ten petals, along with the color yellow. The seed syllable is "ram", and the presiding deity is Braddha Rudra, with Lakini as Shakti, or the power behind this chakra.

What emotion blocks the solar plexus chakra? ›

- Solar Plexus Chakra Imbalance: Low self-esteem, lack of confidence, feeling powerless, or an inability to assert oneself.

What heals the solar plexus? ›

Yoga and Physical Exercise:

Yoga can profoundly impact the solar plexus chakra, which is associated with personal power, self-esteem, confidence, and inner strength. Certain yoga poses, like Boat Pose and Warrior III, can stimulate and balance the solar plexus chakra.

What damages the solar plexus chakra? ›

Any experience which causes shame can affect the solar plexus chakra – we may have been shamed when we were younger, we may have experienced abuse or were fearful of being punished. Being in any volatile situation can affect this chakra.

What does a blocked solar plexus feel like? ›

When your solar plexus is injured or out of balance, you not only feel abdominal pain, but also can feel out of sorts. You may even have an uncomfortable feeling in your gut as well as experience fatigue, weight gain, and digestive issues.

How do you know if your solar plexus chakra is blocked? ›

When the solar plexus chakra is unbalanced you may feel:
  • Low self-esteem.
  • Lack of self-trust.
  • Weak will.
  • Poor digestion.
  • Victim mentality.
  • Unable to take responsibility.
  • Attraction to stimulants.
  • Not feeling good enough.

What blocked chakra causes weight gain? ›

Signs of a blocked root chakra include:

Weight problems.

What is the Manipura chakra responsible for? ›

The Solar Plexus Chakra, also known as the Manipura Chakra, is the third chakra in the 7 chakra system. This energy center governs our ability to be confident, assertive, and make decisions from a place of inner wisdom. It is also the key to unlocking our personal power and building a strong sense of self.

What does the solar plexus chakra Manipura influence? ›

The solar plexus or naval chakra, called Manipura, is our center of personal power. It influences our self-esteem, inner drive and sense of worth.

What is the role of Manipura chakra? ›

It controls our energy, balances and strengthens our health. As the core of the digestive fire, the Manipura Chakra regulates the function of the digestive organs. That is why blockages can lead to digestive disorders, circulatory problems, diabetes and liver-related problems.

What is Manipura responsible for? ›

Manipura is associated with fire and the power of transformation. It is said to govern digestion and metabolism as the home of Agni and the vital wind Samana Vayu. The energies of Prana Vayu and Apana Vayu (inward and outward flowing energy) meet at the point in a balanced system.

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