B52 Shot Recipe | Dishes Delish (2024)

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This B52 shot recipe is a classic layered shot that tastes rich, creamy, and unbelievably delicious! All you need is Kahlúa, Bailey’s Irish Cream, and Grand Marnier.

B52 Shot Recipe | Dishes Delish (1)

I love B-52s. This tasty shot was so popular when I was going through college and it was one of my sister’s favorite shots. The flavors meld together for a delicious, lip-smacking shooter.

Now, I know other bartenders get the last layer to separate so you can see the line between all three liqueurs but this is one of those shots that gives me a hard time when delineating the layers. I finally did it with the tall glass, as you can see from the photo above.I squealed when I was able to do it correctly!

When I tried it again with the shorter glasses, I wasn’t so lucky, as you can see from the cloudy top layers in the background.

Second Attempt at the clear layer

After my success, I grabbed my other tall thin shot glass and tried to replicate the results. Nope.Not sure if the stars were aligned while I was pouring the tall shot above or what, because when I layer a shot, I do it the same way every time.

So, I’m here to tell you, that it is okay if your layers get muddled the way you see in the shorter glasses because you are just going to down the whole thing anyway.Besides, life is full of imperfections and I’m all for reveling in them.

It just takes a little practice to learn how to layer shots. Just wait, you’ll want to layer everything once you get it down.

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Helpful tips

  • Kahlúa is a well known coffee liqueur, but even though it’s not super expensive, there are more budget friendly brands out there.
  • I’m using a premium orange liqueur called Grand Marnier liqueur, but there are other choices out there like Cointreau or triple sec, so use what you can afford. But boy this liqueur makes for a tasty drink.
  • Baileys Irish cream is my go to cream based liqueur to use, but you can use any Irish cream brand or a lighter tasting cream liqueur – RumChata.
  • If you are going to layer a shot, either use a co*cktail spoon or regular iced coffee teaspoon – for the thin, tall shot glass, I have to use the iced coffee teaspoon because the co*cktail spoon is too wide to fit in the glass.
  • Slow and steady wins the race. When layering a shot, you need to pour the liquor/liqueur SLOWLY over the bowl of the spoon.
  • Always place the spoon bowl side up (the back of the spoon) in the glass and against the side. So, you are going to use the back of the spoon.
  • Using a pourer controls the pour, which is critical to layering any shot. But if you do use a pourer, just know that you will have to eyeball your quantities because in that case, they’re coming straight out of the bottle, unmeasured.
  • As with all layered shots, you need to place the heaviest liquor on the bottom and work your way up to the lightest.
  • Some people like to light the orange liqueur layer. If you do, be careful of the flame as you bring the co*cktail glass to your face. You don’t want any mishaps. Lighting it on fire also changes the name to a flaming B-52.

Variations of this shot

  • B-51 shot – Kahlua, Baileys, and hazlenut liqueur like Frangelico.
  • B-52 with full payload – Smaller amounts of Kahlua, Baileys, orange liqueur, hazlenut liqueur and a high alcohol liquor like Bacardi 151, which you would light on fire.
  • B-53 shot – Kahlua, Sambuca, and Grand Marnier.
  • B-54 shot – Kahlua, Baileys, and Amaretto.
  • B-55 shot – Kahlua, Baileys, and Absinthe.
  • B-56 shot – Kahlua, Baileys, blue curacao, and white rum.
  • B-57 shot – Kahlua, peppermint schnapps, and triple sec.

How to layer the B52 shot

This recipe is for one shot. Multiply the ingredients by how many you are making.


Get out your shot glass, a pourer and a co*cktail spoon for layering.

Step one

Gather the ingredients – Kahlúa, Baileys Irish cream and Grand Marnier.

B52 Shot Recipe | Dishes Delish (2)

Step one

The trick to a layered co*cktail is to start with the heaviest liqueur. In this drink, the Kahlúa is the heaviest, so pour .50 ounce in the glass. It ends up being 1/3 of the way up the glass and is the only liqueur I measure since I’m using a pourer for the other two.

B52 Shot Recipe | Dishes Delish (3)

Now comes the fun part.

Step two

With a pourer in the Baileys Irish cream bottle. Place the spoon bowl side up in and against the side of the glass. Slowly pour the Baileys over the bowl and into the glass on top of the coffee liqueur. Make sure the liquids are another third of the way up the glass.

The photo below gives you the idea.

B52 Shot Recipe | Dishes Delish (4)

See?Using the spoon helps keep the layers separate!

B52 Shot Recipe | Dishes Delish (5)

Step three

Again, place the spoon bowl side up (so, upside down) in and against the side of the glass. With a pourer in the bottle, slowly pour the Grand Marnier over the bowl and on top of the Baileys, another third of the way up.

B52 Shot Recipe | Dishes Delish (6)


B52 Shot Recipe | Dishes Delish (7)

Let’s look at the vertical view.

B52 Shot Recipe | Dishes Delish (8)

And one more.

B52 Shot Recipe | Dishes Delish (9)

I hope you enjoyed this B52 shot recipe!

It’s such a yummy drink and will get anyparty started.

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And as always, may all your dishes/drinks be delish!

If you’ve tried thisor any other recipe on the blog, I’d love the hear what you thought about it in the comments below. I love hearing from you! You can alsoFOLLOW MEonFACEBOOK,TWITTER,INSTAGRAMandPINTERESTto see more of my delicious food and delightful co*cktails!

B52 Shot Recipe | Dishes Delish (10)

B52 Shot Recipe

This B52 shot recipe is a classic layered shot that tastes rich, creamy, and unbelievably delicious! All you need is Kahlúa, Bailey’s Irish Cream, and Grand Marnier.

5 from 6 votes

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Course: co*cktail

Cuisine: co*cktails

Keyword: b52 shot, baileys shot, kahlua shot

Prep Time: 5 minutes minutes

Total Time: 5 minutes minutes

Servings: 1 shot

Calories: 207kcal

Author: Elaine Benoit


  • .50 ounce Kahlúa
  • .50 ounce Baileys Irish Cream
  • .50 ounce Grand Marnier


  • Pour Kahlúa in a shot glass – fill it one third of the way – which will be .50 an ounce

  • Place a pourer in the bottle of Baileys. Put the spoon upside down in the shot glass at the Kahlúa line and slowly pour Baileys Irish Cream on the back of the bowl of the spoon so it fills another third of the glass

  • Place the pourer in the Grand Marnier and use the spoon again and slowly pour the the liqueur in, filling it up the last third of the glass

  • Shoot the shot

  • Smile

  • Enjoy

B52 Shot Recipe | Dishes Delish (14) See all my favorite tools and gift ideas at my Amazon Store page!Check out Elaine’s Amazon Store!


Helpful tips

  • Kahlúa is a well known coffee liqueur, but even though it’s not super expensive, there are more budget friendly brands out there.
  • I’m using a premium orange liqueur called Grand Marnier liqueur, but there are other choices out there like Cointreau or triple sec, so use what you can afford. But boy this liqueur makes for a tasty drink.
  • Baileys Irish cream is my go to cream based liqueur to use, but you can use any Irish cream brand or a lighter tasting cream liqueur – RumChata.
  • If you are going to layer a shot, either use a co*cktail spoon or regular iced coffee teaspoon – for the thin, tall shot glass, I have to use the iced coffee teaspoon because the co*cktail spoon is too wide to fit in the glass.
  • Slow and steady wins the race. When layering a shot, you need to pour the liquor/liqueur SLOWLY over the bowl of the spoon.
  • Always place the spoon bowl side up (the back of the spoon) in the glass and against the side. So, you are going to use the back of the spoon.
  • Using a pourer controls the pour, which is critical to layering any shot. But if you do use a pourer, just know that you will have to eyeball your quantities because in that case, they’re coming straight out of the bottle, unmeasured.
  • As with all layered shots, you need to place the heaviest liquor on the bottom and work your way up to the lightest.
  • Some people like to light the orange liqueur layer. If you do, be careful of the flame as you bring the co*cktail glass to your face. You don’t want any mishaps. Lighting it on fire also changes the name to a flaming B-52.


Serving: 1shot | Calories: 207kcal | Carbohydrates: 22g | Fat: 2g | Saturated Fat: 1g | Sodium: 3mg | Sugar: 21g

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First published August 2016.

Elaine Benoit

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From lighting up stages with her BA in theater to food journalist, Elaine Benoit's journey is a testament to passion's transformative power. As the CEO of Dishes Delish, she offers a blend of healthy, comforting recipes and exquisitely crafted co*cktails. Beyond the kitchen, Elaine voiced her culinary adventures on her podcast, "Dishing," and co-owns Food Blogger Help, extending her expertise to guide budding food bloggers to success. Whether it's for a heartwarming dish or insights into food blogging, Elaine's diverse experiences make her a beacon in the culinary digital landscape.

B52 Shot Recipe | Dishes Delish (2024)
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